The Dogon

The Dogon are a collection of bloodlines who are the direct descendants of the wisdom keepers from the ancient mystery schools of Memphis and Thebes. In the time of the Pharaohs, there were several elite priesthood bloodlines tasked with preserving and performing spiritual activities, readings, ceremonies, and maintaining the link between humans and the world of the Gods. About 2500 years ago, due to invasions, these bloodlines were forced to migrate from the Nile Valley in order to protect the knowledge and the integrity of the initiations.

Today the Dogon live in many countries in West Africa. They are seen as the original Kemetic people who have preserved their culture and spirituality, which many Egyptologists and archeologists once thought to be dead. They are one of the most studied cultures in the world and are often known among academics for their knowledge of astronomy and their link to the Sirius star. This is an incredible opportunity to learn ancient healing philosophy and practices straight from the source.

Ankhkasta Natural Healing (ANH) is the Naba family’s Healing Mission. Rooted in authentic traditional healing, ANH is dedicated to fostering the wisdom and ​know-how​ of indigenous African culture through our high quality holistic healing products and traditional healing services.

The Earth Center is the Naba family’s Education Mission. It is a multi-faceted 501(c)(3) non-profit spiritual organization dedicated to preserving and promoting humanity's Ancestral culture and spirituality in order to sustain the health and well-being of all people.

